Notable Baptist Leaders and Figures from Bexar County, TX

San Antonio is home to many notable Baptist leaders & figures, including Buckner Fanning, John Hagee, Charles Wade, David Evans, Robert Jeffress & William Lawson.

Notable Baptist Leaders and Figures from Bexar County, TX

San Antonio is a city with a rich history of influential Baptist leaders and figures. The late Buckner Fanning, who served as pastor of St. Anthony's Church for 42 years, is one of the most notable figures in the city. He arrived in San Antonio in 1959 and quickly established Trinity Baptist Church, which grew to a 10,000-member congregation.

His legacy lives on in the city, and his passing has left a void in the local Baptist community. Reverend John Hagee is another prominent figure in the San Antonio Baptist community. He is the founder and senior pastor of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio and also the founder and president of John Hagee Ministries, which broadcasts his sermons to millions of people around the world. Reverend Charles Wade is another influential figure in the San Antonio Baptist community. He is the senior pastor of Wade in the Water Church and has been a leader in the city for over 30 years. He is also a member of the National Baptist Convention USA, Inc., and has served as president of the Texas State Missionary Baptist Convention. Reverend David Evans is another prominent figure in the San Antonio Baptist community.

He is the senior pastor of New Life Fellowship Church and has been a leader in the local community for over 20 years. He is also a member of the National Baptist Convention USA, Inc., and has served as president of the Texas State Missionary Baptist Convention. Reverend Robert Jeffress is another influential figure in the San Antonio Baptist community. He is the senior pastor of First Baptist Church in Dallas and has been a leader in the local community for over 25 years. He is also a member of the National Baptist Convention USA, Inc., and has served as president of the Texas State Missionary Baptist Convention. Reverend William Lawson is another notable figure in the San Antonio Baptist community.

He is the senior pastor of Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church and has been a leader in the local community for over 40 years. He is also a member of the National Baptist Convention USA, Inc., and has served as president of the Texas State Missionary Baptist Convention. San Antonio's vibrant history of influential Baptist leaders and figures continues to this day. The city's churches are filled with people who are passionate about their faith and dedicated to making a difference in their communities.

Yvonne Ilacqua
Yvonne Ilacqua

Subtly charming zombie trailblazer. Avid twitter maven. Devoted travel practitioner. Freelance bacon lover. Freelance food fanatic. Lifelong web nerd.

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